your it future

InFront-end DevelopmentSwift DevelopmentPython DevelopmentDevOps Engineering IT Project ManagementIT Product ManagementBusiness Analysis in IT

Our clients and partners

Your result is our reputation!

We will help turn your efforts into a result in the IT field

Since 2012, Flourbiv has been engaged in creating strong and relevant educational programs that change the lives of our students and solve the pressing issues of our partners. Our goal is to help you get the desired result. To do this, we develop programs, approaches and teaching methods in a high-quality manner. Trainers and mentors are most interested in helping you achieve your goals.
Best practices work for your bottom line

Popular IT courses and directions:

Flourbiv Club

A large IT society

Even after completing the course, you will feel supported thanks to the Flourbiv Club, which already has thousands of IT professionals. Meetings with representatives of the best IT companies in New Zealand, webinars, workshops and other activities organized by our team for the development of students and graduates await you.

Why should you study at Flourbiv?

Great expertise in learning

On the market since 2012. Our methodologists know exactly what an effective and relevant program is.

International company

We work with experts from all over the world and know exactly the global trends and market demands.

The trainer is a practitioner

Our goal is to give you the opportunity to learn from the best practitioners in the market

Career opportunities

Your education does not end with one course. Web Flourbiv Academy Club is available for you. We have a lot of interesting things.

Convenient formats

We work with the whole world. We will always offer a convenient payment option or training format.
Flourbiv for You
With us, you can learn a new profession, improve your specialty and discover new professional opportunities in IT.
Articles, videos and podcasts for your development in IT
Flourbiv Media

has collected tips for beginners

First read books and then attend trainings or vice versa? Or maybe it's better to focus on improving hard skills first?
Read the article
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Flourbiv Club
is visiting Ciklum

At the presentation, the students were told about the company's history and corporate culture, the recruiting team shared advice on the requirements for candidates "How to join Ciklum"
Read the article

Application for consultation

Enter your name. For example: Name
Введіть Ваш E-mail. Наприклад: [email protected]
Ваш телефон в форматі: 0991234567
Виберіть курс

How to pay in installments?

We provide an interest-free loan from Monobank or PrivatBank. You will split the payment and not overpay anything.

How to pay from a legal entity?

Tell the manager what you want to pay from the company and we will issue you the appropriate invoice.

How to pay from another country?

We accept payments from all over the world. The manager will definitely offer a convenient payment option for you.

Have more questions?

Leave a request for a free consultation and the manager will be able to answer all questions about the courses. The application does not commit you to anything.